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Scariest. Book. Ever. (Goosebumps House of Shivers #1)

Robert Lawrence Stine
pubblicato da Scholastic Inc.

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Goosebumps now on Disney+!

The only thing to fear . . . is everything. Twins Betty and Billy are visiting their Uncle Wendell at his secluded house in the Wayward Forest. What they think is going to be a boring stay quickly turns into a real nightmare. Wendell is in possession of the scariest book in the world. And someone is after Wendell. To keep the book safe, the siblings will have to plunge directly into the heart of the dangerous forest. There they must escape manbats, cannibal crows, and giant insects, among other horrorsand make it out alive!

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Horror » Gotici , Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Horror e fantasmi » Storie da ridere

Editore Scholastic Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 19/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781339015002

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Scariest. Book. Ever. (Goosebumps House of Shivers #1)

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