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Jon Fosse
pubblicato da Transit Books

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2022 International Booker Prize, Finalist
2022 National Book Award, Finalist
2022 National Book Critics Circle Award, Finalist

New York TimesEditors' Choice
Named a Best Book of the Year by The New Yorker and Bookforum

What makes us who we are? And why do we lead one life and not another? Asle, an ageing painter and widower who lives alone on the southwest coast of Norway, is reminiscing about his life. His only friends are his neighbour, Åsleik, a traditional fisherman-farmer, and Beyer, a gallerist who lives in the city. There, in Bjørgvin, lives another Asle, also a painter but lonely and consumed by alcohol. Asle and Asle are doppelgangerstwo versions of the same person, two versions of the same life, both grappling with existential questions about death, love, light and shadow, faith and hopelessness. The three volumes of Jon Fosse's SeptologyThe Other Name, I is Another, and *A New Name*collected in for the first time in this limited hardcover edition, are a transcendent exploration of the human condition, and a radically other reading experienceincantatory, hypnotic, and utterly unique.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Transit Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 31/10/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781945492969

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