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» English » Architettura Design e Moda » Arredamento
ASID Mark McCauley pubblicato da Mark McCauley, ASID
Mark McCauley is the Dave Barry of interior design. Chicago Tribune
Beneath the humor beats the heart of a true artist, poet and philosopher. WF Magazine
McCauley discusses interior design for those with dogs, children and in-laws, he's the Anti-Martha Stewart. Boston Globe
Mark McCauley is the interior designer for the rest of us. San Francisco Chronicle
Generi Architettura Design e Moda » Arredamento » Architettura d'interni e mobili
Editore Mark Mccauley, Asid
Formato Ebook (senza DRM)
Pubblicato 16/06/2011
Lingua Inglese
EAN-13 9781458022981 9781458022981
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