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Stravaganza City of Ships - Mary Hoffman
Stravaganza City of Ships - Mary Hoffman

Stravaganza City of Ships

Mary Hoffman
pubblicato da Bloomsbury Publishing

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-9 %

Set in Classe (Ravenna in our world), the Stravagante is Isabel, a younger twin by a matter of minutes. Her talisman is a pouch of silver mosaic tiles and she stravagates to Classe, where she is met by Flavia, a successful female merchant who trades spices, silks, tapestries, and whose son is an outcast and a pirate. Isabel finds that Classe and Bellezza are under threat from attack by the fierce Gate people. What can she do to help save the city? A thrilling story packed with action, pirates and drama.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Romanzi storici » Storia e storie vere » Narrativa

Editore Bloomsbury Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/04/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781408811757

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Stravaganza City of Ships

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