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Summary of Nicole Saphier's Panic Attack - Falcon Press

Audiolibro Summary of Nicole Saphier's Panic Attack

Falcon Press
pubblicato da Falcon Press

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They said: "Follow the science." But what they meant was: "Follow our politics."

In Panic Attack (2021), physician and author Nicole Saphier exposes the hypocrisy and hysteria that have marked so much of the American pandemic response. For example, she explores how politicians were applauded for allowing ill-equipped nursing homes to accept COVID patients, resulting in a massive death toll in New York and New Jersey.

The widespread politicization of science, ranging from the origins of the virus to the simple concept of wearing face masks, has hopelessly muddied the waters, divided the country, and exacerbated the situation with knee-jerk anti-Trumpism. Despite many people's best and even noble efforts, COVID-19's overall landscape has been dominated by accident and force rather than reflection and choice. Fear, panic, personal ambition, and anger have overwhelmed it. As a result, factual knowledgeand the pursuit of truth that is founded on factsis jeopardized.

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Generi Storia e attualità » Politica » Governo centrale

Editore Falcon Press

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:21.18

Pubblicato 24/07/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781667012940

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Summary of Nicole Saphier

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