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A breathtaking collection of literary fairy stories from an award-winning fantasist

Author Jane Yolen speaks to the ancient magic within us all in this anthology of 30 grown-up fairy storieslovely, lyrical, poignant, sometimes frightening tales of transformations and transfigurations, magical destinies and dangerous quests, strange visions, reawakenings, and just desserts. A past winner of the Nebula Award, World Fantasy Award, and numerous other honors, Yolen takes her rightful place alongside the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, combining innovative literary style with fables that reimagine the myths of old and some of her legendary predecessors' most cherished characters: Cinderella, simple Jack, Guinevere, Icarus, and the Frog Prince.

Step into Yolen's wondrous realm of magic and dreams, where a curious young woman's desire to read the future leads her to the weaver of tomorrow; a farm boy with the voice of an angel seeks out Lady Death to sing for the life of his mother; and a sow, a cow, and a mare set out together to see the world. These timeless stories tell of an eager girl's entrance into the Hall of Grief and a sunless prince who fears the vengeance of a jealous star. A tree-bound young dryad longs to dance in the spring, and a grumpy old potter pours his heart and soul into his greatest work. Yolen's stories are unforgettable tales of the heart and the spirit; they are truly tales of wonder.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Racconti e antologie letterarie » Fiabe e leggende

Editore Open Road Media

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/10/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781504021531

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Tales of Wonder

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