Private investigator Jessie Huell has always eschewed girlie things for the tools of her trade. She'd swap Jimmy Choos for a nightscope any day. But when she arrives as a guest on a popular Atlanta sex show, Jessie is unexpectedly reunited with high school crush and producer Cole Crawfordmulti-million dollar lottery winner, igniter of panties...and bad, bad news for her.
Now Jessie is the official spokesperson for fling-havers everywhereCole and Jessie are doing hot, naughty things in the very same places she swore she'd avoid. As each incredible second explodes by, Jessie finds herself in deep trouble: if she's not careful she'll break the first rule of flingdom and it'll turn seriouswhich means she'll have to find the real dirt on Cole Crawford...because this man's too good to be true!