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The Adventure of the Busts of Eva Perón

Carlos Gamerro
pubblicato da And Other Stories Publishing

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  1. The cusp of Argentina's Dirty War. The magnate, Fausto Tamerlán, has been kidnapped by guerrillas, who as part of their ransom demands have stipulated the placement of a bust of Eva Perón in all ninety-two offices of Argentina's leading construction company, Tamerlán's Sons. Tamerlán's head of procurement, Ernesto Marroné, is the man tasked with the job, but he soon finds out that his is a mission for executives of a heroic disposition. His subsequent picaresque journey plunges him into a world of occupied factories, the slums of Buenos Aires and the utopian Evita City. Equipped with his trusty copy of Don Quixote: The Executive-Errant, Marroné is a modern knight who finds himself forced to penetrate the ultimate Argentinian mystery: Eva Perón - that maid of myth and legend whom we know as Evita. A stand-alone novel in its own right but also a prequel to his first novel, The Islands (And Other Stories, 2012), Carlos Gamerro's caustic and utterly original novel is a shattered window onto Argentina's recent past.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore And Other Stories Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 24/03/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781908276513

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The Adventure of the Busts of Eva Perón

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