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The Art and Making of Preacher - Paul Davies
The Art and Making of Preacher - Paul Davies

The Art and Making of Preacher

Paul Davies
pubblicato da Titan Books Ltd

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Disponibile in 8-10 giorni. la disponibilità è espressa in giorni lavorativi e fa riferimento ad un singolo pezzo
76 punti carta PAYBACK
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura e Carta Docente

Full colour making of book featuring exclusive photos, cast and crew interviews, glimpses behind the scenes and production notes. Every character will be detailed with revealing test and amazing photographs. The Art of Preacher will be an engrossing and detailed look at the making of the first two seasons of this sensational hit TV show.

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Generi Music & Entertainment » Radio & TV

Editore Titan Books Ltd

Formato Hardback

Pubblicato 07/08/2018

Pagine 160

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781785655883

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The Art and Making of Preacher

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