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The Art of Naval Portraiture - Katherine Gazzard
The Art of Naval Portraiture - Katherine Gazzard

The Art of Naval Portraiture

Katherine Gazzard
pubblicato da National Maritime Museum

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88 punti carta PAYBACK
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura e Carta Docente

Charting the changing relationship between art and war this book includes likenesses of famous - and infamous - commanders, such as Francis Drake, James Cook and Horatio Nelson, but also considers the representation of men and women whose stories are often overlooked or marginalised.

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Generi Arts & Photography » Painting & Drawing , Politics & Philosophy » Warfare & Defence , History » Europe » Social & Economic History

Editore National Maritime Museum

Formato Hardback

Pubblicato 14/03/2024

Pagine 224

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781739154202

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The Art of Naval Portraiture

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