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The Battle for Wisconsin

Andrew E. Kersten
pubblicato da Farrar, Straus and Giroux

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This past January, the newly elected governor Scott Walker declared war on Wisconsin's progressive roots. Under the guise of budget repair, he and his Republican colleagues in the state legislature introduced a whole host of initiatives meant to roll back hard-won gains for workers and recast the role of government in the state to fit his own conservative ideology.

In The Battle for Wisconsin, the labor historian Andrew E. Kersten shows just how far-reaching these "reforms" really areand why they fly in the face of the state's long progressive tradition. Kersten is a Wisconsin native, a product of the state's renowned public education system that is now under attack. In this eye-opening new book, he takes us back to the days of the robber barons, explaining why our forefathers fought so hard for real reform in the Progressive Era and why those principles are worth protecting today.

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Generi Politica e Società » Politica e Istituzioni » Governo locale , Storia e Biografie » Storia delle Americhe

Editore Farrar, Straus And Giroux

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/08/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780809029402

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The Battle for Wisconsin

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