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The Christmas Wish List - Heidi Swain
The Christmas Wish List - Heidi Swain

Audiolibro The Christmas Wish List

Heidi Swain
pubblicato da Simon & Schuster UK

Prezzo online:

**'The queen of feel-good' Woman & Home

***The sparkling Christmas novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author Heidi Swain!*****

After being let go from her job in a swanky hotel just weeks before Christmas, Hattie is feeling lost. Even more so when her high-flying boyfriend announces he's landed his dream job in Abu Dhabi and asks her to move with him. Luckily, Hattie's long-time friend Dolly is on hand to help and invites Hattie to spend one last holiday in the small, festive town of Wynbridge, determined to give her a Christmas to remember . . .

Upon Hattie's arrival, holiday preparations are in full swing. But for Hattie, whose Christmas cheer has long since run out, it'll take more than mince pies and mistletoe to open her heart to the season once more. Relishing the task of reigniting Hattie's Christmas spirit, Dolly suggests they create a wish list of all the things the season can offer, and with the helpful hands of Wynbridge's resident handyman, Beamish, Hattie finds her frosty exterior is starting to thaw.

As Wynbridge prepares for its most spectacular Christmas yet, will Hattie leave snowy England behind for life in a sunnier clime, or will she in fact realise that her heart's desire lies much closer to home?

The Christmas Wish List is the perfect read this Christmas, promising snowfall, warm fires and breath-taking seasonal romance. Perfect for fans of Carole Matthews and Cathy Bramley.

Praise for HEIDI SWAIN:
'Full of Heidi's trademark gentle charm. Lock the door, pour some mulled wine and settle into this wonderful Christmas treat!' Milly Johnson
'More Christmassy than a week in Lapland - we loved it!' heat magazine

'Sprinkled with Christmas sparkle' Trisha Ashley

'Give yourself a Christmas treat and curl up with this magical book!' Sue Moorcroft, author of The Little Village Christmas

'A real Christmas cracker of a read!' Penny Parkes, author of Practice Makes Perfect

'Cosy, Christmassy and deeply satisfying! Another wonderful read!' Mandy Baggot, author of One Christmas Kiss in Notting Hill

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa , Romanzi e letteratura » Rosa » Contemporanei

Editore Simon & Schuster Uk

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 10:23.06

Pubblicato 03/10/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781471186875

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The Christmas Wish List

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