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This collection brings together established and emerging scholars from the humanities and the social sciences whose work considers the daughters of immigrants. By showcasing these varied perspectives, the collection draws meaningful connections across national and ethnic lines while attending to the particularities of specific histories, locations, and migration journeys. The multidisciplinary nature of this project highlights the relevance and usefulness of varied methodological and theoretical approaches for understanding the diverse lived experiences of the daughters of immigrants, as well as how those experiences are theorized and represented. While each chapter contains its own argument, assumes its own conceptual and disciplinary viewpoint, and tends to specific national and ethnic origins and sites of immigration, each offers meaningful insight into the gendered positionality of the daughters of immigrants as mediated by the complexities of migration, kinship, and culture. Taken together, these contributions point to the nuanced ways national, ethnic, and gendered identity function, and how those not always well served by how these identities are constituted understand and navigate forces beyond their control.

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Generi Storia e attualità » Gruppi sociali » Psicologia dei generi sessuali

Editore Lexington Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/10/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781666941883

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The Daughters of Immigrants

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