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This paper aims to assess the economic impact of the IMF s support through its facilities for low-income countries. It relies on two complementary econometric analyses: the first investigates the longer-term impact of IMF engagement-primarily through successive medium-term programs under the Extended Credit Facility and its predecessors (and more recently the Policy Support Instrument)-on economic growth and a range of other indicators and socioeconomic outcomes; the second focuses on the role of IMF shock-related financing-through augmentations of Extended Credit Facility arrangements and short-term and emergency financing instruments-on short-term macroeconomic performance.

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Generi Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Economia » Macroeconomia ed economia monetaria » Finanza e Contabilità » tecnica bancaria » Bilancio pubblico e contabilità finanze pubbliche » Finanza pubblica e fisco

Editore International Monetary Fund

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/10/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781475559033

0 recensioni dei lettori  media voto 0  su  5

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The Economic Impact of IMF-Supported Programs in Low-Income Countries

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