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The Ghidra Book

Chris Eagle - Kara Nance
pubblicato da No Starch Press

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A guide to using the Ghidra software reverse engineering tool suite.

The result of more than a decade of research and development within the NSA, the Ghidra platform was developed to address some of the agency's most challenging reverse-engineering problems. With the open-source release of this formerly restricted tool suite, one of the world's most capable disassemblers and intuitive decompilers is now in the hands of cybersecurity defenders everywhere -- and The Ghidra Book is the one and only guide you need to master it.

In addition to discussing RE techniques useful in analyzing software and malware of all kinds, the book thoroughly introduces Ghidra's components, features, and unique capacity for group collaboration. You'll learn how to:

Navigate a disassembly

Use Ghidra's built-in decompiler to expedite analysis

Analyze obfuscated binaries

Extend Ghidra to recognize new data types

Build new Ghidra analyzers and loaders

Add support for new processors and instruction sets

Script Ghidra tasks to automate workflows

Set up and use a collaborative reverse engineering environment

Designed for beginner and advanced users alike, The Ghidra Book will effectively prepare you to meet the needs and challenges of RE, so you can analyze files like a pro.

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Generi Informatica e Web » Linguaggi e Applicazioni » Programmazione e sviluppo del software » Scienza dei calcolatori » Sicurezza informatica

Editore No Starch Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/09/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781718501034

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The Ghidra Book

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