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The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries Volume One

Dorothy L. Sayers
pubblicato da Open Road Media

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A special edition of the first three classic mysteries featuring British aristocrat and sleuth Lord Peter Wimsey.

A gentleman needs hobbies. For Lord Peter Wimseya Great War veteran with a touch of shell shockcollecting rare books, sampling fine wines, and catching criminals help pass the time.

In Whose Body?, a dead man wearing nothing but a pince-nez is found in the bathtub of an architect's London flatand Wimsey encounters a bizarre puzzle.

Clouds of Witness brings Lord Wimsey to the family's shooting lodge in Yorkshire. Humans are not meant to be targets, but Wimsey's sister's fiancé has been felled by a bulletand his brother accused of the crime. The investigation will bring him into contact with a socialist agitator, a hot-tempered farmer, and a host of unseemly secrets.

In Unnatural Death, everyone expected the ailing and elderly Miss Agatha Dawson to diejust not quite so soon. When the doctor who treated her shares his suspicions with Wimsey, he sets out to discover who rushed the patient to her demise.

This exciting volume of renowned author Dorothy L. Sayers's beloved cozy British mystery series is a perfect introduction for new readers, as well as a familiar friend for longtime fans.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Gialli storici

Editore Open Road Media

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/11/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781480465640

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The Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries Volume One

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