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The Magic of Believing

Claude M. Bristol - Mitch Horowitz
pubblicato da Maple Spring Publishing

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How to Get What You Want

Journalist, lawyer, and financier Claude M. Bristol (1890-1951) made a lifelong study of the practical powers of the psyche. Bristol discovered the royal secret encrypted throughout history in myth, parable, ceremony, and initiation: you are as your mind is.

In his 1948 classic The Magic of Believing, Bristol employed his skills as a journalist and straight-talking businessman to reveal this truth to the widest possible range of readers. Bristol's actionable examples, exercises, and evidence enchanted generations of everyday seekers as well as celebrities ranging from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Liberace.

With a broad-ranging historical introduction and supplemental readings by scholar of esotericism Mitch Horowitz, this edition of The Magic of Believing is the definitive publication of Bristol's mind-power landmark.

\In this special edition discover:

How to use the powers of suggestion and visualization to program your mind for success.

The links between self-image and performance.

Why writing down symbols, aims, and wishes brings you special power.

The practical discoveries of ESP research and what they mean for you.

The "mirror technique" to boosting confidence.

The critical importance of knowing exactly what you want.

"I suggest approaching The Magic of Believing," Mitch writes in his introduction, "in a spirit of enthusiasm and personal adventure. It's an old favorite that provides an unembarrassed invitation to intimately probe questions of mental-emotive causalityand the book may ignite in you a renewed sense of personal possibility."

Many readers have called The Magic of Believing a turning point in their liveswill you join them?

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Self Help , Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Lavoro » Carriere e professioni: consigli

Editore Maple Spring Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 19/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798350500202

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The Magic of Believing

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