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The Mongol Ascension

Andrew Varga
pubblicato da Imbrifex Books

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Seventeen-year-old Dan Renfrew leads a normal high school life full of all the usual challenges: homework, bullies, and the baffling world of dating. It would be enough for most teens, but Dan has a secret. He's a time jumper, a member of a clandestine cadre tasked with journeying to the past to repair glitches in history that imperil subsequent events. This responsibility alone is daunting, but it's even more crucial now. A band of rogue time jumpers is bent on taking over the world, and Dan can't find any allies to join him in the fight to stop them.

In a last-ditch effort to foil the conspiracy, Dan and his partner Sam plunge into history together. Landing on the steppes of Mongolia in the year 1179, they meet a brave Mongol teen on a courageous quest to rescue his kidnapped wife. But Dan and Sam soon discover that there's far more at stake than a stolen bride. They're thrust into a desperate race against time to save the Mongol Empireand the future of the entire world.

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Editore Imbrifex Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/09/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781955307055

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The Mongol Ascension

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