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The Nation of Plants

Stefano Mancuso
pubblicato da Profile

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-10 %

As plants see it, humans are not the masters of the Earth but only one of its most unpleasant and irksome residents. They have been on the planet for only about 300,000 years ago (nothing compared to the three billon years of plant evolution), yet have changed the conditions of the planet so drastically as to make it a dangerous place for their own survival. It's time for the plants to offer advice.

In this playful, philosophical manifesto, Stefano Mancuso, expert on plant intelligence, presents a new constitution on which to build our future as beings respectful of the Earth and its inhabitants. These eight articles - the fundamental pillars on which plant life is based - must henceforth regulate all living beings.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Ambiente e Natura » Inquinamento » Biologia » Botanica e scienza delle piante » Neuroscienze

Editore Profile

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/07/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781782838784

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The Nation of Plants

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