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The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Economy Since Unification

Gianni Toniolo
pubblicato da Oxford University Press

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This Oxford Handbook provides a fresh overall view and interpretation of the modern economic growth of one of the largest European countries, whose economic history is less known internationally than that of other comparably large and successful economies. It will provide, for the first time, a comprehensive, quantitative "new economic history" of Italy. The handbook offers an interpretation of the main successes and failures of the Italian economy at a macro level, the research--conducted by a large international team of scholars --contains entirely new quantitative results and interpretations, spanning the entire 150-year period since the unification of Italy, on a large number of issues. By providing a comprehensive view of the successes and failures of Italian firms, workers, and policy makers in responding to the challenges of the international business cycle, the book crucially shapes relevant questions on the reasons for the current unsatisfactory response of the Italian economy to the ongoing "second globalization." Most chapters of the handbook are co-authored by both an Italian and a foreign scholar.

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Generi Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Economia » Storia economica » Economia politica » Lavoro » Storia del lavoro e dei sindacati

Editore Oxford University Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/01/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780199324156

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The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Economy Since Unification

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