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The start of a gripping WWII series by bestselling author Fenella J. Miller

A story of courage and sacrifice during Britain's darkest days...

As war rages, Barbara Sinclair is desperate to escape her unhappy home life. And with the threat of German bombs ever present, Barbara reluctantly agrees to marry John, her childhood friend, who is leaving to join the RAF.

But an encounter with Alex Everton, a dashing Spitfire pilot, complicates matters for Barbara. With emotions running high, she begins to question whether she has made a terrible mistake.

With the constant threat of death all around her, Barbara must try to find a way to deal with the complexities of her difficult home life and her emotional relationships, too.

Has Barbara made the right choice and will she find her own place in a time of great upheaval?

A gripping and authentic tale of courage, duty and bravery, perfect for fans of Lizzie Lane, Patricia McBride and Rosie Clarke.

Praise for Fenella J. Miller:

'Yet again, Fenella Miller has thrilled me with another of her historical stories. She brings alive a variety of emotions and weaves in facts relating to the era, all of which keep me reading into the small hours' Glynis Peters

'Curl up in a chair with Fenella J Miller's characters and lose yourself in another time and another place' Lizzie Lane

'Engaging characters and setting which whisks you back to the home front of wartime Britain. A fabulous series!' Jean Fullerton

'Loved every word of this book. Fenella is a great author and leaves her books with you wanting more. I can't wait to read the next one' Reader Review

Please note: This book was originally published as Barbara's War.

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Editore Boldwood Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 13/12/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781835186244

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