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The Plantation #5: Finally Tasting His Mistress

J.S. Lee
pubblicato da Charlie Bent

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Unable to distinguish what is real and what is delusion, David finds himself caught up in a struggle between his desires and his current life. Having worked on an article about a place known as the Plantation, which was notorious for sexual torture and humiliation in a controlled manner, he's determined to find out whether or not he belongs to his mistress at home or his mistress at the plantation. Finally allowed to grovel at her feet and serve her, he willfully succumbs to her every command.

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Letteratura erotica , Romanzi e letteratura » Rosa » Spicy ed erotici

Editore Charlie Bent

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 07/03/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781310353437

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The Plantation #5: Finally Tasting His Mistress

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