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The Red Army's Do-It-Yourself, Nazi-Bashing Guerrilla Warfare Manual

Lester Grau - Michael Gress
pubblicato da Casemate Publishers

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The WWII Soviet guerilla training manual that became an essential text for freedom fighters across the globecomplete with illustrations.

When Germany invaded the Soviet Union during World War II, the Red Army began recruiting local partisans to help mount a resistance. This edition of The Partisan's Companion is the last and best Red Army manual used to train these men to fight Nazi invaders. Besides field craft, it covers partisan tactics, German counter-guerrilla tactics, demolitions, German and Soviet weapons, scouting, camouflage, anti-tank warfare, and antiaircraft defense for squad and platoon-level instruction. It contains the Soviet lessons of two bitter years of war and provides a good look at the tactics and training of a mature partisan force.

While this handbook was a vital part of Soviet victory over the Nazis, its usefulness outlived the Second World War. It was later used to train guerrilla groups in the developing world during their wars of national liberation in the 1950s70s. Even the fedayeen guerrillas who fought US and coalition forces in Iraq relied on this manual for training, tactics, and general approach to combat.

A selection of the Military Book Club.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia militare

Editore Casemate Publishers

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/05/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781612000206

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The Red Army

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