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The Story of the Hermès Scarf

Laia Farran Graves
pubblicato da Headline

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Sought-after, sophisticated and versatile, the Hermès carré is wearable art that never goes out of fashion. Unveiling the history and artistry of the brand's silk accessory from the first designs in the early twentieth century to today, this fashion story includes a detailed behind-the-scenes look at the artisanship involved at the company's ateliers in France, as well as reviews on different scarf designs, colour palettes, dates of issue and rarity (the 'Grail' scarves).

The book includes the collaborators who have helped in the creation of over 2,000 designs, including limited editions, anniversary and tribute scarves, with highlights from renown artists and illustrators such as Hugo Grygkar, Philippe Ledoux, Kermit Oliver and Annie Faivre (who hides a monkey in her designs). Here you will discover the fashion of scarf styles throughout the decades, how to wear and tie a scarf, and the scarf in film and popular culture, along with those who made the Hermès carré a hallmark of their own such as Queen Elizabeth II, Grace Kelly and Jackie Kennedy Onassis.

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The Story of the Hermès Scarf

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