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The Yellow Wallpaper

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
pubblicato da Pandora's Box

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Best known for the 1892 title story of this collection, a harrowing tale of a woman's descent into madness, Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote more than 200 other short stories. Seven of her finest are reprinted here. Written from a feminist perspective, often focusing on the inferior status accorded to women by society, the tales include "Turned," an ironic story with a startling twist, in which a husband seduces and impregnates a naive servant; "Cottagette," concerning the romance of a young artist and a man who's apparently too good to be true; "Mr. Peebles' Heart," a liberating tale of a fiftyish shopkeeper whose sister-in-law, a doctor, persuades him to take a solo trip to Europe, with revivifying results; "The Yellow Wallpaper"; and three other outstanding stories. These charming tales are not only highly readable and full of humor and invention, but also offer ample food for thought about the social, economic, and personal relationship of men and women and how they might be improved.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Rosa » Horror , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » horror e Dark Romance

Editore Pandora's Box

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/05/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9789897783104

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The Yellow Wallpaper

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