The authors of Bismarck deliver "a very good account of the Tirpitz and of the naval war in the North Atlantic and Norwegian waters" during World War II (NYMAS Review).
After the Royal Navy's bloody high seas campaign to kill the mighty Bismarck, the Allies were left with an uncomfortable truththe German behemoth had a twin sister. Slightly larger than her sibling, the Tirpitz was equally capable of destroying any other battleship afloat, as well as wreaking havoc on Allied troop and supply convoys. For the next three and a half years, the Allies launched a variety of attacks to remove Germany's last serious surface threat, hidden within fjords along the Norwegian coast.
Trying an indirect approach, the British launched one of the war's most daring commando raidsat St. Nazairein order to knock out the last drydock in Europe capable of servicing the Tirpitz. Of over six hundred commandos and sailors in the raid, more than half were lost during an all-night battle that succeeded, at least, in knocking out the drydock. It was not until November 1944 that the Tirpitz finally succumbed to British aircraft armed with ten-thousandpound Tallboy bombs, the ship capsizing at last with the loss of one thousand sailors.
In this book, military historians Niklas Zetterling and Michael Tamelander, authors of Bismarck: The Final Days of Germany's Greatest Battleship, illuminate the strategic implications and dramatic battles surrounding the Tirpitz, a ship that may have had greater influence on the course of World War II than her more famous sister.
"A riveting story . . . keeps the reader engaged." Nautilus, A Maritime Journal of Literature, History and Culture