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A struggling actress must decide between Hollywood success or a hometown loveEspecially when her heart is on the line.

Cassandra Chaletaine worked hard to catch her break in Tinsel Town but she's struggling because of her race, talent or plain bad luck. She returns home to Boston for her father's retirement party and to re-evaluate her career.

While touring a new theatre in her old neighborhood, she literally bumped into her old friend and former Hollywood writer, Michael Kiley. They'd always had much in common, both being bi-racial and shared dreams of Hollywood success.

After finding Hollywood lacking, Michael fled to give back to his hometown. He was delighted to see Cassandra, having always been in love with her but too afraid to risk their friendship. Now that she was back in Boston, the love he'd harbored for years, blooms.

Cassandra falls hard for Michael too, but she's pulled between her life in Hollywood and the one in her hometown. When her agent calls with her dream break, Cassandra has to make the biggest decision of her life would it be Hollywood or Love?

TO PLAY FOR LOVE is great for fans of Elin Hilderbrand's novels. Many of her novels are about family, it's the foundational theme and TO PLAY FOR LOVE is all about family and hometown love. Additionally, fans of Jasmine Guillory's wonderful novels will also love TO PLAY FOR LOVE. Ms. Guillory's characters are fully fleshed out people with tremendously relatable storylines that her readers love, just as they will love Cassandra, Michael and all the people that make up their lives.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Inkspell Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 19/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781958136867

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To Play for Love

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