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Trajectory: Startup - Dave Parker
Trajectory: Startup - Dave Parker

Audiolibro Trajectory: Startup

Dave Parker
pubblicato da Ascent Audio

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Have a startup idea? Want to launch it fast?

People often spend years on working on startup ideas that failand they could have known long before, had they asked the hard questions earlier. Five-time tech founder Dave Parker has been there, and in Trajectory: Startup he offers a path to get you from ideation to launch and revenue in just six months.

With a track record of starting companies from scratch, raising both angel and venture capital, and participating in eight exits as founder, operator, and board member, Parker's experience is practical and actionable. Having sold three of his own startups and closed two, Parker learned just as much from his failures as from his successes, and he brings this wit and wisdom into his writing in a transparent way.
Parker shares advice on:

What makes a good idea that makes money

Recruiting and working with cofounders

Asking customers what product they want (customer development)

How to build a tech product even as a non-tech founder

How to get out of your head, ship a product, and make your first sale

Trajectory: Startup removes the mystery from the startup process and outlines a roadmap of tasks and timeframes, with monthly milestones and resources. This pre-accelerator program will help you get the momentum you need. Skip the Executive MBA and go make money! This guide makes starting a company accessible to a broad range of founders, investors, and employees who have the spark of innovation and drive to follow their dreams.

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Generi Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Management » Impresa: strategia, innovazione, imprenditorialità¿

Editore Ascent Audio

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 08:06.23

Pubblicato 18/05/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781663713926

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Trajectory: Startup

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