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Venom By Donny Cates Vol. 1

Donny Cates
pubblicato da Marvel Entertainment

Prezzo online:
-20 %

Collects Venom (2018) #1-12. Rising star Donny Cates and blockbuster artist Ryan Stegman transform the world of Venom! An ancient and primordial evil has surfaced beneath the streets of New York. With it, something equally disturbing has been awakened in Venom, that most wicked of web-slingers! The symbiote may still be a lethal protector of innocents in New York, but this never-before-seen threat may force Venom to relinquish everything it holds dear including its human host, Eddie Brock! Eddie and the symbiote summon the strength to defend New York against the most powerful foe they've ever faced, but one more thing stands in their way: Miles Morales, the newest Spider-Man! And relations between Eddie and the symbiote become ever more strained when new questions about the creature and its otherworldly origins come to light!

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Editore Marvel Entertainment

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/12/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781302517052

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Venom By Donny Cates Vol. 1

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