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We Are the Weather - Jonathan Safran Foer
We Are the Weather - Jonathan Safran Foer

Audiolibro We Are the Weather

Jonathan Safran Foer
pubblicato da Macmillan Audio

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This program is read by the author.

In We Are the Weather, Jonathan Safran Foer explores the central global dilemma of our time in a surprising, deeply personal, and urgent new way.

Some people reject the fact, overwhelmingly supported by scientists, that our planet is warming because of human activity. But do those of us who accept the reality of human-caused climate change truly believe it? If we did, surely we would be roused to act on what we know. Will future generations distinguish between those who didn't believe in the science of global warming and those who said they accepted the science but failed to change their lives in response?

The task of saving the planet will involve a great reckoning with ourselveswith our all-too-human reluctance to sacrifice immediate comfort for the sake of the future. We have, he reveals, turned our planet into a farm for growing animal products, and the consequences are catastrophic. Only collective action will save our home and way of life. And it all starts with what we eatand don't eatfor breakfast.

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Generi Gastronomia » Cibo e Società , Ambiente e Animali » Ecologia e Ambiente » Pensiero e organizzazioni ambientaliste , Scienza e Tecnica » Fisica » Geologia e Scienze della Terra » Meteorologia e climatologia

Editore Macmillan Audio

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 05:06.47

Pubblicato 17/09/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781250316899

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We Are the Weather

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