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Working techniques for model shipbuilding

Robert Volk - Peter Davies-Garner
pubblicato da vth - Verlag neue Medien GmbH

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Robert Volk has already built several museum models and here he shares his wealth of experience with all ship model builders. Using the example of a pilot schooner in 1:50 scale, the construction, divided into individual sections, is described in detail: From the hull to the rigging, from the steering wheel to the fresh water barrel, nothing is missing that makes a perfect ship model. The reader is introduced to a wealth of different working techniques, receives useful practical tips and even finds a German-English dictionary of technical terms.

Together with the many extraordinarily detailed drawings by Peter Davies-Garner, a compendium has been created which is also valid for other similar ships and which one therefore likes to consult again and again.

A self-built model in museum quality? With this book it becomes possible!

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Giochi » Modellismo

Editore Vth - Verlag Neue Medien Gmbh

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/11/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230005940424

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Working techniques for model shipbuilding

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