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X-Men By Peter Milligan Vol. 1

Peter Milligan
pubblicato da Marvel Entertainment

Prezzo online:
-20 %

Collects X-Men (1991) #166-176 and Black Panther (2005) #8-9. A new X-Men era begins, courtesy of Peter Milligan! The X-Men travel to Antarctica after an S.O.S. from a colony of mutants, but what they find is shocking bodies everywhere, and the word Golgotha written on the walls in blood! With Emma Frost offering cryptic answers and madness beginning to gnaw at their minds, can the X-Men keep the rest of the planet from suffering the colony's gruesome fate? Then, a bizarre love triangle threatens to tear the team apart or at the very least, leave Rogue flaming mad with Gambit! Why does Mystique want to join the X-Men? And will the team grant membership to their old foe?! And an investigation into mutated animals in Africa leads Storm and the X-Men into a wild adventure alongside the Black Panther!

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Generi Fumetti » Supereroi

Editore Marvel Entertainment

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/12/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781302510657

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X-Men By Peter Milligan Vol. 1

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