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You Could Be So Pretty

Holly Bourne
pubblicato da Usborne Publishing Ltd

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Uglies meets The Handmaid's Tale for the new YA generation in this mind-blowing novel from bestselling queen of YA Holly Bourne.
"Holly Bourne is a vital feminist voice of our generation." Samantha Shannon, author of The Bone Season
"Such a wild, gripping, smart, delicious read!" Jennifer Niven, author of All the Bright Places
"I devoured this - so compelling and with such a powerful message." Katherine Webber, co-author of Twin Crowns

*In Belle and Joni's world there are two options for girls:

One, follow the rules of the Doctrine like Belle: apply your Mask, work hard to be crowned at the Ceremony, be a Pretty.

Or two, fight the rules like Joni: leave your face bare, work hard to escape to the Education, be an Objectionable.

But maybe there is a third option...
Change the rules. Reclaim your power. If you can...

What would you choose?

Warning - this novel deals with issues that some readers may find upsetting, including references to pornography and sexual assault.*

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Editore Usborne Publishing Ltd

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/09/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781805077244

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