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Trees and Shrubs that Heal - Anne Stobart
Trees and Shrubs that Heal - Anne Stobart

Trees and Shrubs that Heal

Anne Stobart
pubblicato da Permanent Publications

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Anne Stobart draws on her experience as a medical herbalist, and shares how to recognise useful trees and shrubs and then harvest and create herbal supplies. Anne includes profiles of 80 trees and shrubs with recommendations on their uses. Ideal for foragers, gardeners and growers, walkers and wilderness lovers, agroforesters and forest schoolers.

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Generi Home & Garden » Gardening , Mind, Body & Spirit » Complementary Medicine

Editore Permanent Publications

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 06/11/2023

Pagine 304

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781856232623

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Trees and Shrubs that Heal

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